September 2016 Walk Studland What a view
Southampton 2018
Pyewell Estate Sept2017
High Corner Nov 2017
High Corner 2017
Fritham 2017 A few hardy souls
Spetember 2016 Walk Studland Old Harry Rocks
September 2016 Walk Happy Faces !
Rufus Stone December 2016 “Wot no arrows?”
Tony being very sedate at the Houses of Parliament…unlike our Chairman
….and a very good tea it was too Mr Chairman
July – Travelling overseas – Whippingham Church IoW
Our intrepid cyclists after dinner at The Oak, Bank and they all made it home safely !!!!
July Ready for a river stroll by the Medina river IoW
June- amongst the Lower Test marshes
June Some super cool dudes by the River Test
June- amongst the Lower Test marshes
Beautiful May walk around Brownsea island
Browsea Island Tony still sporting a very fetching arm sling